Expert craftmanship and excellence is our priority
Fabrication of big copper valleys, all soldered
Philippe Pollien, our sheet metal and roofing expert, has:
- 22 years experience in roofing and sheet metal work in Europe and the United States.
- 7 years of training throughout France and England, with the renowned Compagnons du Devoir du Tour de France.
- worked on residential houses, commercial buildings and historical monuments.
Philippe is a certified VM-ZINC trainer, consultant and installer.
"Since the tool is an extension of the hand,
And the hand is an extension of the mind,
Then the finished work reflects the man."
"L'outil est le prolongement de la main,
La main le prolongement de l'esprit,
Alors l'oeuvre est le reflet de l'homme."
Unknown author
And the hand is an extension of the mind,
Then the finished work reflects the man."
"L'outil est le prolongement de la main,
La main le prolongement de l'esprit,
Alors l'oeuvre est le reflet de l'homme."
Unknown author
European Roofing & Sheet Metal LLC
Phone: (206) 397 2293 Licenced, insured and bonded - LIC#EUROPRM902PH |